School Uniform
We aim to encourage children to feel pride and a sense of belonging to the Birchwood Avenue community from wearing their uniform. The school uniform consists of:
▪ Red sweatshirt or cardigan (with school emblem optional)
▪ White/red polo shirt or blouse (with school emblem optional)
▪ Red gingham dress in summer
▪ Grey/black trousers, pinafore, skirt or shorts
▪ Black shoes
Trainers are encouraged for only PE wear.
Your child should also be provided with a sun hat in warm weather and a coat that is suitable to the season every day.
PE Kit
▪ Coloured PE T-shirt (to match house colour)
▪ Black shorts
▪ Black tracksuit: jogging bottoms and jumper
▪ Trainers
▪ PE bag to keep it in.
School uniform with Birchwood Avenue emblems are available to purchase at SmartySchoolwear in Hatfield town centre. Otherwise, uniform can be purchased at a range of outlets without the school emblem.
Please make sure that all items of clothing and footwear worn in school are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
We believe it is important to be comfortable and look smart at Birchwood Avenue.
Make-up (including nail varnish) and jewellery should not be worn in school. Plain (not coloured) studs for pierced ears are acceptable, but hoops or dangling earrings must not be worn. Watches may be worn, but not smart watches such as an Apple Watch.
Hair should be of a sensible style - shaved or coloured hair is not permitted at school. Hair beyond shoulder length must be tied back. Hair accessories should be in school colours or hair colour.