
Birchwood Avenue

Primary School

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Educatinghearts and minds


Welcome Block

School name and logo for welcome

Welcome to

Birchwood AvenuePrimary School

Welcome Text

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Birchwood Avenue Primary School’s website. Our school is at the heart of the local community and sits within ample grounds, which provide many opportunities for outdoor learning.

We are located next to both Birchwood Nursery School and Mid-Herts Music School, with whom we have many links which provide a rich curriculum for our pupils

Everything that we do for our children and their families ties in with our ethos of 'Educating hearts and minds'. We have the highest expectations of our pupils and want nothing more than to see them succeed, feel safe and valued. We enjoy the present but look to the future – and aspire to equip our children with the skills, curiosity, and resilience they need to continue learning throughout their lives.

Visits to our friendly school are warmly welcomed.

Miss E Hall, Headteacher


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