Upper Key Stage 2 had the exciting opportunity to take part in this year's Tag Rugby Festival, where they were able to play non-competitive games against local schools.
The children had fun and displayed excellent Rugby skills.
The boys have played extremely well in this year's Football League. There have worked collaboratively and kept each other going throughout the season. Well done boys!
OSA Indoor Athletics 2024
Year 6 jumped, bounced and sprinted their way through the Indoor Athletics, organised by Onslow School.
They had a brilliant time and were very supportive of one another, when competing.
This year's Dance Festival theme was the Paris Olympics 2024 were schools performed a dance with elements of sport and France.
We performed to Derniere Dance by Indila and used sport equipment as props.
It was some of their first time performing on stage with lighting. They were very nervous but did us so proud. Well done dancers!